Sunday, February 10, 2008

Plumbing Begins!

Yes...the correct spelling is plumbing not pluming. However, we've been doing quite a bit of "pluming", too!
plume - noun, verb, plumed, plum·ing.
1. a feather.
2. a large, long, or conspicuous feather: the brilliant plume of a peacock.
3. a soft, fluffy feather: the plume of an egret.
4. any plumose part or formation.
5. a feather, a tuft of feathers, or some substitute, worn as an ornament, as on a hat, helmet, etc.
6. a feather or featherlike token of honor or distinction, esp. one worn on a helmet.
7. plumage.
8. a vertically or longitudinally moving, rising, or expanding fluid body, as of smoke or water.
9. a visible pattern of smoke resulting from emissions from a stack, flue, or chimney.
10. Also called mantle plume. Geology. a deep-seated upwelling of magma within the earth's mantle. Compare diapir.
–verb (used with object) 11. to furnish, cover, or adorn with plumes or feathers.
12. (of a bird) to preen (itself or its feathers).
13. to feel complacent satisfaction with (oneself); pride (oneself) (often fol. by on or upon): Richard sat before the mirror, pluming himself upon his beauty.

Tom has been working hard planning and installing drain and vent pipes. Of course, none of the bathrooms line up with each other from floor to floor – therefore, it’s a lot more complicated to run all the necessary pipes.

We plan on moving into the 1st floor by this summer. In order to finish off the 1st floor, we have to complete many of the tasks that will impact the 2nd and 3rd floors – such as pluming, wiring, venting, etc. Once the ceiling goes up on the 1st floor – comments such as “…Whoops, we need to open up the ceiling we just installed because we forgot to put a drain in for the 2nd floor bathtub..” will NOT be permitted!!!!

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