Monday, November 16, 2009

Front Door

The front door is completed except for painting....before and after photos for your enjoyment!

Monday, October 26, 2009


We kept the door in the stairwell so that we could bring in construction materials without going through the house. Although we still have painting, floor finishing, 2bathrooms to install, we're done with major construction on the 2nd and 3rd floors. So, time for replacing the door with a window. Now comes painting and installing the outside sheathing/trim and insulation, drywall, trim and painting on the inside. Once done, this completes the last installation of the windows and doors!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Front View

Here are a few photos of the front of the house.

2nd Floor Floors

Here is Tom finishing the floors on the 2nd floor.


Our close friends from Phoenixville the Evans (Jan and Bill) and the Carnevales (Lauren, Tom, James and William) have recently been down for visits. While Jan and Bill visited, we roped them into protesting the development of local farm land (you never know what you'll be roped into when you visit us!!!). During the Carnevale visit, the boys went swimming in the pool & we toured Lewes including several local museums.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

3rd Floor Complete!!!

Finally, the 3rd floor is done. Still working on the 2nd floor.

Monday, August 31, 2009

2nd Floor Heart Pine Wood Floor

Typical in old homes of Lewes, the 2nd and 3rd floors would be made of pine. We had antique reclaimed heart pine milled from old barn beams. The wood sat for several weeks in the living room getting used to the humidity, etc. It’s been an obstacle course getting around the pile!!! Also shown is Tom installing the 2nd floor.

Top of the Stair Tower

Tom trimming out the window top in the stairwell; Richard following with the “detailing” work (alright, it’s really cleaning up).


The plants and flowers seem to like the Lewes climate. Did Tom add any nuclear fuel to the tomato plants????

Front of the House

Finally, some vegetation hiding the dirt (I mean earth) piles.

Summer Visitors

Despite the construction, we’ve had some wonderful visitors this summer. 4th of July party; the Paradiso/Moynihan family from Montreal (seen rummaging through Richard’s utensil drawers & Brian eating sushi with Tom/Richard), Anna and Jim Steininger with their friend Antonella from Italy, and the Donoghue’s from Baltimore (Liz and Bruce pictured).

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Overfalls Lightship

The Overfalls Lightship returned to Lewes last weekend from getting its hull repaired. To learn about the Lightship, click on the photo of the plaque, it should enlarge enough for you to read it. If you want information about its return, check out:

The ship is permanently docked in the Lewes canal. The return was one BIG social event....cannon fire, cheers and photographers galore.

The front yard

Our neighbors are so happy that they don't have to look out on a dirt (whoops, I mean "soil") pile! The plants - some purchased, others from Tom's mother and sister's gardens.

Working on the outside - Backyard

We were able to do some planting this year....tomatoes (of course), arugula, carrots, radishes, swiss chard, hot peppers & herbs. Tom installed a brick base where we've put the grill.