The house originally had pine plank floors. A Lewes “old timer” told us that when pine floors were painted, it was called “Lewes carpeting”!
White Oak floors were installed on the 1st floor and landing on the 2nd floor in the 1920’s (we think?). In the 1980’s, when the house was split up into a two family house, pass through walls were boarded up and the dining room was turned into a kitchen (with hole drilled right through the middle of the floor for water, drainage pipes).
We’ve taken all the protective sheathing that we installed when we began renovation and are now working on the floors. We’ve taken up and reconfigured some of the flooring and installed flooring in some areas where there was no floor (such as the areas that were walls/pocket doors that divided the living room). We purchased 500 square feet of quarter sawn white oak from North Carolina, cut into the same widths of the original floor. We’re using the new flooring in the 1st floor bedroom/office and hallway.
In the photos:
1-3 – front entrance – before, during and resulting square pattern
4 – what a mess!
5- pile of new flooring
6 – pencil patterns on floor of bedroom/office
7 – Tom installing floor in bedroom/office
The wood on the staircase, 2nd and 3rd floors will be addressed during the next phase of renovation.